work at home

An eBay Scam Review
By Leah Daane and Jeff Daane

Stay at home moms are looking for opportunities to earn an income while being home with their children. With so many options out there, what is right for the needs and desires of a stay at home mom? From my experience selling on eBay, Inc. I can tell you that it definitely wasn't one of the work at home mom jobs that I was looking for!

eBay has become an enormous online marketplace and has offered another outlet to many people as they make money on from home. This can be a very successful business for those who are able to put the "run around" time into it. For me it was a different story. It was not difficult to learn how to make money on eBay however, while it was a great place for me to get rid of our extra stuff around the house, making a true business out of it was a difficult task while having my children with me. My intentions for a home-based business opportunity were to be able to be home with my kids, interacting with them, teaching them, and going on fun day trips. What I found when selling on eBay is that this was not possible.

I needed to find products to sell on eBay. My options were to make something or go buy something that I felt would definitely resell for a high enough price to make me a profit. So I chose to find items to sell on eBay and began my search. Let me tell you, these were not the kind of "fun day trips" with the kids that I was so looking forward to. Dragging my kids around all day in search of items to sell was, to say the least, not fun for me or them.

"Say cheese!" No, no, girls... not you! Yep, that was me trying to scoot my girls out of the eye of the lens as I snapped pic after pic of lifeless pants, sweaters, pajamas, and shoes. I would much rather have been snapping pictures of my girls and I on our latest adventure. So after taking pictures of the items, there is the uploading of photos, item descriptions, and completing your listings. Then the sending of the invoices and my favorite... taking one of many weekly trips to the post office with toddlers in tow! Now, my children are quite well behaved and no nonsense is tolerated in our home but this is just absurd to ask toddlers to stand patiently in line a handful of times each week while Mom drags bags of packages to ship for minimal profit! A child's day should be filled with more than price scrutinizing shopping trips, photo shoots with no kids allowed, and standing in queue where it isn't just the postal employees who have gone postal!

Was the actual process in itself easy? Yes, definitely. eBay makes the whole selling process very easy for anyone. The only tough thing is finding items that you will actually make a significant profit on once listing fees, final value fees, shipping fees, and Paypal fees (if that is your payment method of choice) have all applied. My reason for saying bye-bye to eBay had nothing to do with the business opportunity they had to offer except that it just did not work well for the hopes I had for my family especially for the small profit I was seeing. Let's face it, with eBay I was just taking my girls to work with me when all I wanted was to be with them and maybe fit work in while they nap or are in bed for the night.

So, as I talked with my brother one night he asked about my eBay sales. As I began telling him of my minimal profit of $5-$10 per item, he interrupted with, "Leah, you HAVE to learn what I am doing. I have been making 5 figures every month". Wow, at least $10,000 each month? That was all it took for me to dive head first into researching that opportunity and end my eBay adventure!


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